Action for decent wages
The Center for Progress team is on the Emergency
admin2023-06-19T18:46:18+00:0023 January, 2023|
The Center for Progress team is on the Emergency
admin2023-06-19T19:03:24+00:0028 December, 2022|
On the initiative of the non-governmental organization Center for Progress
admin2023-01-02T22:00:01+00:0010 December, 2022|
The Center for Progress, with the support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,
admin2022-12-22T17:06:55+00:0028 November, 2022|
Irakli Butsinashvili, project coordinator of the Center for Progress, and
admin2023-01-02T19:55:24+00:0029 September, 2022|
Representatives of the Center for Progress met with representatives of
admin2023-01-02T19:31:00+00:0028 September, 2022|
Representatives of the Center for Progress held a working meeting
admin2023-12-14T10:53:16+00:0023 September, 2022|
The joint talks with Thorsten Schulten, head of the collective
admin2023-01-02T21:38:28+00:0021 September, 2022|
📢 What is the minimum wage? 📢 The minimum wage
admin2022-09-14T13:48:56+00:0029 August, 2022|
The Center for Progress team talks to the public in