The Center for Progress stands with the striking employees of the Social Service Agency Mariam Kusiani - Today we, the representatives
admin2022-03-15T08:59:32+00:0015 January, 2022| Mariam Kusiani - Today we, the representatives
admin2022-03-16T23:15:47+00:0029 December, 2021|
The Center for Progress together with students, politicians, and civil
admin2023-12-14T11:08:04+00:002 December, 2021|
The Center for Progress, in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Foundation
admin2022-03-14T22:26:27+00:0026 November, 2021|
On November 26, members of the Center for Progress wrote
admin2023-12-14T11:11:48+00:0019 November, 2021|
Talks about the minimum wage: During a live broadcast in
admin2022-03-15T09:08:02+00:008 November, 2021| Politician Anna Dolidze joined this form
admin2023-12-14T11:13:20+00:007 November, 2021|
Aleksandre Ratishvili, a member of the Tbilisi Council of the
admin2022-03-15T08:50:57+00:0020 October, 2021| What is the value of the
admin2022-03-18T13:56:15+00:0016 October, 2021|
The minimum wage in Georgia and the decree issued by