Minimum Wage Forum The non-governmental organization the Center for
admin2023-12-14T11:24:57+00:0016 October, 2021| The non-governmental organization the Center for
admin2022-03-16T23:22:10+00:0016 October, 2021|
On October 16, the Center for Progress organized a
admin2022-03-19T09:33:58+00:0019 August, 2021|
"The pandemic situation in the world has clearly shown
admin2022-03-22T22:40:14+00:006 August, 2021|
On August 6, 2021, representatives of the "Center for
admin2022-03-22T23:17:39+00:003 August, 2021|
According to a public opinion poll conducted by CRRC-Georgia
admin2022-03-22T22:31:40+00:0029 July, 2021|
Mariam Kusiani, a representative of the Center for Progress,
admin2023-12-14T11:38:47+00:0027 July, 2021|
"Minimum Wage in Georgia - Problems and Challenges" -
admin2022-03-22T23:05:08+00:0014 July, 2021|
Representatives of the Center for Progress met with Shalva
admin2022-03-22T22:21:16+00:009 July, 2021|
As of 1 January 2021, 21 out of the 27