Minumum Wage

Minumum Wage2023-03-17T14:50:10+00:00

The Minimum Wage project is funded by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Georgia with the amount of GEL 68,000 in 2021 and in 2022 with the amoint of 76 944. The aim of the project is to raise awareness about the importance of the minimum wage. A minimum wage is a tool that protects employees from being exploited by the employer. The minimum wage must be sufficient and appropriate to ensure a standard of living and not harm the economic development process.

In Georgia, a decree issued by the President in 1999 still applies, according to which the minimum monthly wage is set at 20 GEL ($ 6). By neglecting this central issue, the government is laying a solid foundation for employers to exploit the hard work of their employees.

The project will work with various stakeholders to increase their awareness of the minimum wage benefit and turn them into allies for change. Thus, the project will conduct a public opinion poll, which will be taken into account in the implementation of the minimum wage reform. The project will actively work with academics, journalists, small and medium-sized businesses, public servants, etc.


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